Our address: Sidorovsky channel embankment 3, 198412, Lomonosov, Russia
Hotel phones, reception: +7 (812) 362-07-07
Restaurant phone: +7 (812) 362-07-07
E-mail: domik0707@mail.ru
GPS co-ordinates (Width, Longitude): 59.919061, 29.774481
Oranienbaum is only 12km along the coast from Peterhof, so it is possible for those with some stamina to combine the two in a single daytrip. From St. Petersburg it is possible to take a minibus (K-300) from Avtovo Underground Station, or suburban trains from Baltiskiy Railway Station to station Oranienbaum I. The direction: Oranienbaum, Kalishchi, Krasnoflotsk, Lebyazhje. From “Kirovsky Zavod” underground station – municipal bus 200 (final Lomonosov, Railway station). The journey takes a little under one hour one way.